Shea Butter

Shea butter has been a staple in my household for three years now. I’m not a real stickler about my shea butter but I do tend to stick to the yellow kind. So which shea butter is better: white or yellow? They both are equally great. The only difference between the two is how the shea butter is produced.  

In a few weeks, I’ll be sharing my DIY whipped shea butter cream, body butter and ezema cream.

In the meantime check out this video on how the shea nut is processed. 

Till then, be blessed.



  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice information. Shea butter has been used for generations in Africa to keep skin young and healthy, remove stretch marks.Shea butter, which comes from the African shea tree, has been used for many centuries as a skin moisturizer and hair conditioner.It is also commonly used in Africa for cooking food, making candles, and even coating wood products. Yellow Shea Butter | Beauty Blender Dubai


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