Tips for a Beautiful Perm Rod Set

Lately I've been a bit obsessed with perm rods. If you follow me on Facebook then you've been subjected to my fetish.  I recently decided to try the style again and the outcome was AMAZING.  So I decided to post some tips on how you too can achieve a beautiful perm rod set. 

Dampen the hair before setting
For best results set the style on dampened hair. I personally allow my hair to air dry after my wash and then use a spray bottle to rewet the hair if needed. You don’t want your hair soaking wet. Allowing your hair to air dry stretches it and then lightly rewetting the hair will create defined curls.  

Make sure the hair is detangled
You’ll want to work with your hair in sections and detangle thoroughly. This shouldn’t be a problem if you’re setting your hair on wash day. Make sure you detangle on wet hair using a detangling tool. Pay close attention to the ends to ensure a smooth set.

Stretch the hair
Whether you’re trying to create spiral curls or a traditional perm rod set you’ll want to stretch the hair.  As mentioned earlier allowing your hair to air dry after washing will stretch it. If you set your hair on an old twist out, it’s already stretched. Keep in mind you’ll still need to detangle to get a sleek look. After you’re done detangling, create tension by slightly pulling the hair downwards and then roll the perm rod up.  

Make sure your hair is completely dry before unraveling.  I recommend using a light oil such as jojoba or sweet almond oil when separating the curls. How many times you separate your curls depends on the desired look. I will say the more your hair is manipulated, the more likely you’ll experience frizz.  

Use a setting or foaming lotion
Besides using a great moisturizer, you’ll want to use a setting or foaming lotion. Depending on the thickness and length of your hair, you only need 1-2 pumps for each section. Keep in mind your hair will already be wet so try not to oversaturate your hair.  

Perm Rod Size
Perm rods come in many sizes and therefore can create different curls. Before you begin the style, think about the look you’re going for. If you want fuller voluminous curls, consider using medium to large sized rods. For springy more defined curls use extra small to small rods.  The length of your hair will also determine which size rod you should use.  You can refer to a perm rod size chart - to help you determine which rod to choose.

Maintain the look
You don’t need to reset your hair to maintain this style. Use the pineapple method or section your hair using stretchy hair bands.  Make sure you cover your hair at night with a satin bonnet.  The next day shake your head lightly to loosen up the curls and use a little hair oil if needed.


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