Loose Two Strand Twists

Loose two strand twists have been my go to protective style for over a year. Anyone who follows me on YouTube knows that I am an advocate of protective styling.  Now I don’t think that protective styling is necessary for hair growth. I do however believe that low maintenance styling should be a part of your hair regimen. Low maintenance styling is a style that requires little to no manipulation. A protective style is a low maintenance hairstyle in which your ends are tucked away, thus “protected”.  A lot of women confuse the two or even worse misuse either style. I’ll go into detail about this on a later post.

Loose two strand twists are semi mini twists that are loosely twisted on stretched hair. This style can last 2-4 weeks if maintained properly. Below you’ll find detailed instructions on how I do this style.

Step One – Cleansing

I recommend that you thoroughly wash, condition and deep condition your hair.

Make sure that you properly detangle since you’ll be working with your hair in small sections. 

Step Two – Stretching

Blow Drying – You can stretch your hair by lightly blow drying with a comb attachment or using the tension method.  

Heatless Stretching – If you don’t want to use heat try banding your hair.     

Step Three – The Style

For best results start the style the next day.

What You’ll Need:
o   Hair clips
o   Styling product - I find that whipped shea butter or a hair pomade works best. If you don’t have either product I’d recommend a curling cream along with a hair gel. 


1.     Divide your hair into 4-6 large sections. (If you like your hair parted a certain way, go ahead and make that part so that the twists will fall in to place)
2.     Use hair clips to secure the sections
3.     Take down one section of your hair and divide it in half.  Clip half of the hair up.
4.     With the remaining hair decide how small you’d like to make your twists. You can clip the rest of the hair up and begin twisting.
5.     Grab a small section of hair and apply the styling product from root to end.  (You do not need to rewet your hair for the style)
6.     Begin twisting your hair tightly at the root. After 3-4 tight twists, begin loosely twisting your hair
7.     As you get closer to the ends begin tightly twisting your hair again.
8.     You may apply a little more product if needed and then twirl your ends to avoid unraveling.

Here is short clip of me demonstrating this style: 

Maintaining the Style

At night I pull my hair back into a bun and I pin or tuck my ends away. I cover my head with a satin bonnet or scarf.

I moisturize my scalp, hair and ends every 4-5 days.

I avoid using too many products on my hair while wearing this protective style. There is no need to reapply the styling product to the twists themselves.

If I’m stretching the style to three weeks. I will wash my hair after 8 days.

Take down 

When it’s time to take down the twists I apply plenty of oil and slowly unravel each twist. I’ll wear a twist out for a few days before I cleanse my hair. I would not use shampoo right away as this can cause matted or tangled hair. Instead, I deep condition my hair first and then cowash (wash with conditioner) my hair. You want to be very careful with your strands to minimize breakage.


You can wear many hairstyles with loose two strand twists.  I’ve worn updos, buns, and super defined twist outs. 

I’m wearing an updo in the video below– Skip to 4:00

Check out the styles this vlogger wore with her loose two strand twists.

So that's it ladies. I love this hairstyle and will rock it for the next three months. What protective styles do you plan on wearing during the cooler months?


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