DIY Deep Conditioner

I’ve been making my own dc (deep conditioner) well before I transitioned to natural hair. Honestly it’s hard finding a good dc that’ll give you the results your looking for.  I would usually end up combing 2-3 conditioners, a cholesterol, olive oil, honey…whatever products I had on hand. I was doing way too much. Recently though I went back to my old tried and true DIY recipe.

Here is what I do: 


1 Olive Oil Replenish Pack
½  - 1 cup of any thick hair mask or cholesterol
2 tablespoons of olive oil

Examples of hair masks or cholestrols: 

    Lekair Cholesterol                 
    Lustrasilk Cholesterol
    NuNAAT Blast of Shine Hair Mask 

The above Amazon links are only intended to show you what the product looks like. You can find most of these items at your local hair shop.

Why cholesterols?

Cholesterols are full of protein, which are great for our hair. 

How long do you leave the deep conditioner on?

I typically leave my deep conditioner on for 30 – 45 minutes.  I’ve heard of some women leaving it on overnight. I would not recommend doing this too many times. This may eventually lead to an itchy scalp.  Depending on the condition of my hair (or if I’m prepping my hair), I will apply saran wrap and a hot towel.   Heat helps to lift the cuticles.

How often do you deep condition?

I deep condition religiously every two weeks.  If you have damaged or highly porous hair I would deep condition weekly. 


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