DIY Eczema Lotion

After moving to Phoenix I quickly noticed how dry my skin would become. My only solution was to lather on a thick lotion immediately after showering.  Having a young child with sensitive skin is another story. Around four months old, I noticed my baby had patches of dry skin around his face, arms, and legs. It’d gotten so bad that his skin discolored. His pediatrician explained that it was eczema. After failed attempts (and a lot of money), I came up with this recipe:


-       4 oz of shea butter
-       2 tablespoons of coconut oil
-       1 cup of any moisturizing lotion  (Cetaphil and Cerave are great lotions)

Because it’s blazing hot here in Phoenix, I rarely have to melt down the shea butter. It’s pretty soft after being in 100 degree weather. If you want to melt down the shea, I’d recommend using this method.  I would only let it sit in the hot water for 5 minutes though. You want the shea butter to have some texture since it’ll be used as a thick cream.  Next you’ll want to combine the shea butter, coconut oil, and moisturizing lotion.  Mix all the ingredients for 3-5 minutes until smooth. I wouldn't add fragrance oils to this mixture. Lastly, store the product in an airtight container and keep it in a cool/dry place.

This recipe has worked better than oatmeal baths, Aveeno, and Vaseline.  It’s pretty simple to make and cost effective.

Do you have a DIY recipe for a skin product? I love to hear from you guys.


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