YouTube Branding Tips

Over the past three weeks I've really been focusing on my YouTube branding. I've resorted my playlists, edited videos, created visuals and updated my editorial spreadsheet. The biggest payoff though has been creating thumbnails.

Video thumbnails are the selling point of your channel.  Last year I'd began taking pics and adding them under custom thumbnails.  Now however I use PicMonkey to create exciting and appealing thumbnails.

I highly recommend checking out YouTuber Gabrielle Marie. I am ADDICTED to her channel. She provides great tutorials on how to create banners, IMovie tips, and branding.

Other suggestions:

  • Learn how to name your videos for max exposure. For example since the focus of my channel is natural hair. I try to include the words "natural hair" in the video title. 
  • Create a slide in PowerPoint or PicMonkey that includes info about your social media sites. 
  • Include links to your social media sites, websites in the description of your videos. 
  • Create playlists
  • Remember to include tags
  • Learn how to edit your videos
  • Set upload defaults that includes common tags, your social media sites or any other information you want your viewers to know. The upload defaults section can be located under the channel tab. 
  • To have a successful channel, stay current. 
  • Have an appealing banner. If you're not creative you can hire someone on Fiverr.
My goal for 2015 is to get to 5000 subscribers using many of these tips and producing valuable content.

I hope this info was helpful to you guys!!


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