Why I Would Never Color my Natural Hair

So there aren't too many things that I won't do with my hair but this one is for sure...I will never color my tresses. Don't get me a wrong.. I love color and frequently dyed my hair while I was relaxed.  I had red hair, purple hair and soon settled for jet black. It was fun playing with color.

Natural hair comes with it's own challenges though once you add hair color. Damage isn't guarantee and sometimes it isn't even noticeable until after several applications. I've seen this first hand with  other bloggers who've now admitted that they've regretted coloring their hair. I think a lot women add color to try something different and frankly because they just want to.  Know though that if your already experiencing hair issues such as breakage or dryness, hair color will make it worse.

Check out blacknaps.org article on coloring natural hair for more information: https://blacknaps.org/2015/01/15/the-truth-about-dyeingcoloring-type-4-natural-hair/


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