Healthy Journey: Finally Joining the Gym

Hey yall!!

I know it's been forever since my last blog post but I wanted to fill you in on my health journey.

First thing, I've battled being overweight all my life. Last year I got down to the smallest I've ever been though and DRUM ROLL. I did it all without stepping in to a gym.  I really focused on cleaning my diet by eating less processed foods and meats.  I went from 192 to 163 just by changing my eating habits.

Here's a before and after picture of my results.

Then I gained nearly 10 pounds back in only 2 months!! I'm now at 171 pounds with most of  the weight being around my midsection. NOT GOOD.

Slowly I've been changing my eating habits and drinking more water. I even tried intermittent fasting, which frankly only lasted me 4 hours. haha Yes I have to eat.

Now that I'm in a better head space, I looked at my workout options.  For nearly a month now I've been doing HIIT routines at home along with light weight training.  It's been going great and I have so much energy. Truth be told though, there's nothing like a good gym workout. So I reviewed my budget looked at a couple of local gyms and decided to join my local Mountainside Fitness.

One thing that sold me on this place is the childcare which honestly has been my biggest excuse for not working out. So for $50 a month I get unlimited childcare, access to a great gym that includes classes and a STEAM room. Girllllll..When I saw they had a steam room I immediately thought of my hair. haha I know.... PRIORITIES.

So let's talk goals. As I stated I'm sitting at 171 pounds which puts my BMI at 29.4. My goal is to be at a healthy BMI.  I need to lose at least 25 pounds (if not more) to get there. Time frame? I'm giving myself till September.  I know I could probably lose it in a shorter time frame but I'm not rushing this.

So that's it in a nutshell. I'll post updates as I make progress.

Stay blessed!!



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