Digital Vision Board

It's the end of the year and also around the time that people begin thinking about their goals for next year. I've always been a goal setter but this year I wanted to try something different. I wanted to create a vision board.

What's a vision board you may wonder? According to a vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. To create a traditional vision board, you'd use a large sturdy poster board. Then using an old magazine you'd cut out pictures and words create to a visual collage of your goals.

I took to Google and Pinterest for ideas and came across a digital vision board. Sounds interesting right? I didn't have any magazines laying around and I sure as hell didn't want to buy magazines just to cut them up. A digital vision board proved to be my best option.

So how did I get started? I'd already written down my goals weeks ago so that part was complete. I spent a Sunday morning going through pictures on Pinterest and thinking of words that would motivate me. I think a vision board is useless without words that drive EMOTION.

I used Picmonkey to actually create the board and after several hours this is what I created.

My goals focus on common areas: relationship, finance, family, spirituality, health, and business. I normally set yearly goals however this vision board covers three years.  I must have looked at it nonstop for the first few days. I saved it on my phone and laptops. I've even looked into having a small banner printed through Staples.

Everyday I try to do one thing from each of the areas...whether it's reading up on social media marketing or doing a quick 10 minute stretch. I also envision myself achieving EVERY goal. I think this is crucial. I take it a step further by repeating affirmations such as: "I am creating wealth for my family. I am developing relationships that will ensure my business is successful. I am FEARLESS." Speaking affirmations into existence is so important.

Now I don't expect things to come I do expect to work hard and really focus during this journey.

So what about you? Having you ever created a vision board? Are you setting goals for next year?


  1. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated to you on this quality work. Nice post!! these tips may help me for future. michael omidi


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