My Current Hair Regimen

It’s been several years since I’ve detailed my hair regimen. As my five year hair anniversary approaches, I figured I’d share what I’ve been doing to maintain my healthy curls.

Every day I check to see if my hair is dry. I use the L.C.O. (liquid, cream, and oil) to moisturize my hair. I prefer this method over the L.O.C. method as I find that I only have to moisturize my hair only once a week.  I typically wear my hair in twists pulled in a ponytail or pinned in an updo. I only unravel when I have to go to work. Because of my constant low maintenance styling, I’ve been able to maintain my length.

Every week I co-wash my hair. I use all types of conditioners now so I really don’t have a staple product. I finger detangle prior to washing and I further detangle with conditioner. I cannot be lazy with the detangling process or I’ll pay for it later on.

Every two weeks I shampoo my hair. If I use more product throughout the week, I’ll wash my hair sooner.  Earlier last year I started experiencing matted hair so I avoid shampooing my hair if it’s really tangled.

I’ve gotten a bit lazy when it comes to deep conditioning and now only do it once a month. A couple of times a year I add hydrolyzed wheat protein to my deep conditioner.

I trim my ends at least twice year.

As I stated earlier, I wear my hair in twists the majority of the time. This year I’d like to really focus on using less heat. I'm a big fan of low maintenance styling and prefer to use my own hair for protective styling. See below a video I did earlier this year. 

I cannot stress enough the importance of having a simple hair regimen tailored to your hair goals and lifestyle. Thankfully, I've found a regimen that works for me and have been able to see some improvements in the health of my hair. 


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