The Dreaded Wash n' Go

If you’re like me, you’ve probably struggled with a wash n' go hairstyle. By definition a wash n' go is when you wash your hair and apply little product without styling.  The problem that most of us experience is that a wash n' go technically isn't a wash n' GO. It takes two days for my hair to air dry.  Depending on how coarse you hair is, you may use a lot more product then you’d typically do for a wash n' go. So here are my tips on perfecting a wash n' go for 4b/4c texture chics.
  • Start your style on the weekend.
  • Use a clarifying shampoo to ensure that you get rid of all build up.
  • Use A LOT of conditioner and I do mean a lot.  I use 75% of a brand new jar of conditioner. 
  • Finger detangle with the conditioner in your hair. Avoid using any combs or brushes as this causes frizz.
  • Lightly pat your hair with an old cotton tee shirt. DO NOT excessively ring out the water. Water = moisture.  (your hair does not need to be dripping wet but it should be pretty damp)
  • Lightly part your hair in the style you’d like. Avoid too much manipulation as this will cause frizz.
  • Work with your hair in small sections.
  • While your hair is still wet apply your leave in (small amount) and then apply the gel. (refer to the products below for tips) Don’t be shy with the amount of hair gel you use.
  • Make sure you apply gel from roots to ends. If you’re a 4b/4c gal like myself this may mean raking the gel into your hair 2-3 times while smoothing downward.
  • Once your hair is saturated with the product toss your head upside down and shake back and forth to loosen up the curls.
  • Apply a light oil over your curls and to your scalp.
  • Use a blow dryer on low heat and lightly dry your hair. (no more than 5 – 10 mins. You may skip this step if you prefer not to use a blow dryer) Allow your hair to air dry the remaining time.
  • Use the pineapple method to maintain the style.
  • PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE....It has taken me at least three times using this method to perfect my wash n' go. 

Favorite products to set a wash n' go

  • Styling Products
    • EcoStyler Gel Olive Oil
    • IC Fantasia Gel
    • Extreme Hair Gel


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