When and Why to Deep Condition

I'll admit wash day for me can be uneventful and tiresome. With my density combined with length, I do not look forward to washing my hair. My only saving grace is deep conditioning.  You see I LIVE for deep conditioners. I also know the importance of when and why one should deep condition so I figured I'd share. 

I think most women with natural hair would agree that deep conditioning biweekly or monthly is common. I would however encourage you to up your deep conditioning routine to weekly if you have colored or damaged hair. This also includes split ends or extremely dry hair.  If your hair is damaged you more than likely have high porous hair. Most good deep conditioners are protein based and the protein is what "patches" your hair for optimal health.  

There are so many ways to deep condition. On wet or dry hair. With or without heat. How you go about your deep conditioning routine depends on your hair texture, porosity, and current condition of your hair.  

One thing I would encourage is to be CONSISTENT.  If your going to deep condition weekly, continue to do so for at least three months.  Most of us get impatient and expect to see a difference in a few weeks.  This isn't necessarily the case.  You must continue your deep conditioning routine to see positive changes. 

Confused on what deep conditioning products to use? Check out one of my recent product reviews: 


  1. I love how alot of the hair products you purchase inexpensive. I also wash my hair on the weekend (Saturday) and that brings me to this question...when it comes to washing your hair in twist, do you twist your hair just before going in shower or after you put conditioner in your hair?

    1. Yes I get in the shower with my hair in twists. Unravel each twist and then work the product through the hair. But I never really wash my hair the same. It depends on how much time I have.

  2. Ok thanks for letting me know c:If you have anymore Big Chop advice, how to get or have healthy hair please let me know. God bless you all ❤❤❤❤


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