Tips for Beating the Cold Season

This post isn't the norm for my blog as it has nothing to do with beauty or hair. However given the current weather condition of half of the US, I think it'll be very beneficial for many of my readers.

Living in Phoenix has it's benefits with one being the warmer weather. Because of this, and the fact that I rarely go anywhere, we tend to not get sick in our household. Last July though, my little boy started preschool. We were immediately concerned about the bugs he would bring home and sure enough he did. Like clockwork every 2-3 weeks he had an ear infection or was on the verge of a cold. It was exhausting none the less and I typically ended up sick with him. Whenever I picked him up from school there was always a child sneezing or coughing. I secretly wanted to put that kid in a Hazmat suit but that would be wrong. Right?

Now I know that children are typically sick the first year of school. And I get that helps to build up my little one's immune system. My goal was to see how I could lessen the number of times he was actually sick though.  I tackled every symptom from a holistic approach but more importantly, on the rare occasion that one of us did get sick, we were able to bounce back in a shorter amount of time.  Below are a list of tips including some preventive measures I took to ensure we remained a healthy family during this cold season.

Immune Boost 

Everyday we take vitamins. Personally I take Vitamin D, C, B12, and a probiotic. When I can remember I also take fish oil. I can definitely tell a difference with my energy when I take my vitamins consistently. If I'm starting to feel a little icky I also take a few drops of echinacea which is a flower from the daisy family. You can also purchase it in pill form.

For my little one, he takes a few drops of Dr. Christoper Kid-E-Mins drops. This supplements has been a godsend! I typically have to mix the drops with a little bit of juice but he has no problems taking it.  Since he's been taking these daily he has not gotten sick in nearly two months.

I also recommend elderberry juice for children.  It's great as a supplement and to treat coughing.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to prevent illness and also treat symptoms once they occur.

I use diluted thieves oil on my son everyday. Thieves oil helps to support the immune system and energize you. You can either make the oil yourself and buy it as an oil mixture.

I love mixing oils together and have different oil mixtures for congestion, allergies and even stress. You can buy empty roll on bottles through  and search Pinterest for different recipes.  I strongly recommend buying essential oils from a well known distributor such as Young Living. I've made the mistake of buying cheap oils before and wasted my time and money.

One of my favorite recipes is a DIY Vicks Vapor rub using coconut oil and essential oils. I keep a jar of this in my linen closet and only make a small batch during the cooler weather.


Having a humidifier is a must have for us especially living in a dry area such as Phoenix.  Humidifiers are great for congestion and coughs. I purchased the Ultrasonic Cool Mist humidifier from Amazon last year.  I typically only run it at night as symptoms are typically worse at bedtime.  We also have several air purifiers to help remove any airborne particles in the room. 

Some other tips for dealing with cold symptoms: 

Gargle with warm salt water.  You can also gargle with peppermint oil (one drop) in warm water. 

To relieve coughing place Vick's Vapor Rub on the soles of the feet and put on socks. You can also use cypress oil or eucalyptus oil on the feet. 

Sleep propped up. If the child is in a crib, place a pillow under the mattress to elevate the head. 

Give your little one a teaspoon of honey mixed with cinnamon. Only do this if they are over the age of one though. 

Add a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to a steamy bath. 

Buy an essential oil diffuser and run it during bedtime. 

Keep your hands washed and teach your little ones had to wash their hands. 

Drink plenty of water. If your have a sore throat try hot tea with lemon, ginger, and honey. 


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