Tips for Beating the Cold Season

This post isn't the norm for my blog as it has nothing to do with beauty or hair. However given the current weather condition of half of the US, I think it'll be very beneficial for many of my readers. Living in Phoenix has it's benefits with one being the warmer weather. Because of this, and the fact that I rarely go anywhere, we tend to not get sick in our household. Last July though, my little boy started preschool. We were immediately concerned about the bugs he would bring home and sure enough he did. Like clockwork every 2-3 weeks he had an ear infection or was on the verge of a cold. It was exhausting none the less and I typically ended up sick with him. Whenever I picked him up from school there was always a child sneezing or coughing. I secretly wanted to put that kid in a Hazmat suit but that would be wrong. Right? Now I know that children are typically sick the first year of school. And I get that helps to build up my little one's immune system. My goal w...