Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein

Over the past few months I’ve really neglected my hair and got into some old habits. I was using excessive heat and pulling/tugging on my hair. I knew if I keep it up my cuticles would suffer.  Every since I saw the Green Beauty’s channel video on hydrolyzed wheat protein, I’ve been wanting to try it.  

So what is hydrolyzed wheat protein?  

Hydrolyzed or hydrolysis is a chemical reaction using water. A water molecule is added to split a large compound into smaller ones. The water molecule also splits during the reaction. Notice the water fragments attached to the two smaller compounds in the diagram. The key word here is WATER.  Water = moisture. 

Our hair is 91% keratin protein. A protein treatment will patch up damaged cuticles and make your hair stronger/hydrated. Hydrolyzed wheat protein has a smaller molecular weight then other proteins. This allows for the product to actually penetrate the hair shaft unlike your traditional diy protein treatments

I purchased a bottle of hydrolyzed wheat protein through Amazon for around $8. I shop on Amazon monthly so shipping was free.

I mixed the protein with a conditioner and cholesterol (recipe below). I left the mixture on for only 15 minutes however it is recommended that you leave it on for 45 minutes (with heat) This product left my hair moisturized and stronger after one usage.  My hair was also dry by the end of the day and that’s something that rarely happens.   I plan on adding this product to my monthly deep conditioner. I recommend biweekly protein treatments if you have damaged hair. 


¼ cup of hydrolyzed wheat protein
1 ½  cups of conditioner
¼ cup of any cholesterol  


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