One and Done

Becoming a mother has changed my life most women or parents for that matter. Our little boy celebrated his fifth birthday this past January and watching him grow up has been amazing. As much as I love being a mother, I have no desire to have more children. See I'm still waiting on the "being a mother is the most rewarding job.." part. That hasn't exactly happened and I don't expect it will anytime soon. Instead what I've learned is that we trade off one thing for another as our children enter different phases of life. The terrible twos are replaced with a self defiant four year old. That part I get but nonetheless, it's been a struggle. Often times when I'm out and I see other women with multiple children I think "How do they do it?" I quickly realize they have no other choice..they probably ask themselves the same question. Of course I've had second thoughts when I see a chubby baby flash across my Instagram feed...