Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Tea Tree Oil is a very common essential oil in the natural hair community. I originally bought it to use in a batch of whipped shea butter. I found the smell to be overwhelming though. It has a woody mint like scent. So of course I took to the internet to research additional benefits. I found a slew of usages for tea tea oil with most of them being skin related. Tea Tree oil can be used for skin tags, sunburns, acne, rashes, and even fungal infections. My skin has been suffering because I've gotten lazy about covering my hair at night. Since tea tree oil can be used as a topical oil, I lightly apply it to my face. I do find that the smell is still a bit strong so I like to add it to coconut oil and shea butter. This is a great moisturizer but sometimes my face does feel greasy. I like to apply the solution in the morning and then whip off the access. If it's still cooler where your at, I don't think you'll have this problem. So if you're having problems with...